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美国习惯用语学习笔记(64)-外语学习笔记 1.new money 新近发财的人,新富人 例句:Since Bob’s father invented a new computer component,Bob and his family are new money.自从鲍比的父亲发明了一种新的计算机元件,鲍比一家就发了财张韶轩。 2.newshawk 新闻记者 例句:There are always a lot of newshawk following the president.总是


1.new money 新近发财的人,新富人 例句:Since Bob’s father invented a new computer component,Bob and his family are new money.自从鲍比的父亲发明了一种新的计算机元件,鲍比一家就发了财张韶轩
2.newshawk 新闻记者 例句:There are always a lot of newshawk following the president.总是有很多记者尾随在总统的身后。
3.nightcap 临睡前喝的酒,睡前酒 例句:Would you like to come up to my place for a nightcap?你愿意上楼来我的住处喝一杯睡前酒吗?
4.nine days’ wonder 轰动一时即被遗忘的事 例句:Many a Hollywood scandal involving divorces and marriages is nothing but a nine days’ wonder.很多涉及离婚和结婚的好莱坞丑闻只轰动一时就被人忘记了。
5.nine-to-five job 朝九晚五的工作,按时上下班的工作 例句:We professors are not too well paid but I could never get used to a nine-to-five job.我们教授的工资不是很高,但我永远不习惯那种朝九晚五的工作。
6.nip and tuck 旗鼓相当的,苦战到底的 例句:The game was nip and tuck until the last minute.比赛直到最后一刻才分出胜负。
7.none too 一点也不,根本不 例句:The doctor arrived none too soon as Lucy’s fever was alarmingly high.医生到得很迟,结果露西的热度高得吓人。
8.no percentage 无用,无益,没好处,无利润,没赚头 例句:There is no percentage in complaing about the zero raise policy of our university next year;there isn’t anything anyone can do about it.对我们大学明年的零提薪政策进行抱怨没用,这事谁也没有办法。
9.no-show 预定了(飞机等)座位而不搭乘的人,预定了(旅馆)房间而不来住的人 例句:The airlines were messed up because of a great number of no-show passengers.航空公司被大量预订了机票而不来搭乘的旅客搅得一团糟。
10.no spring chicken 上岁数的人 例句:Even though she is no spring chicken anymore,食盒记 men still turn their heads to look at her.尽管她已不再年轻,男人们仍然转过头来看她。
