何伊娜 使这颗晶莹剔透的琥珀之都享誉世界的还有那古老而优秀的波兰音乐文化。伟大的浪漫主义音乐家肖邦正是诞生在这里。
4月12日、13日19:30,波兰著名青年钢琴家亚历山德拉·希维古特(Aleksandra ?wigut)将携“波兰亚历山德拉·希维古特钢琴独奏音乐会”莅临哈尔滨老会堂音乐厅,连续两天为冰城热爱音乐的人们带来两场钢琴的音乐盛宴。精彩难得,热爱音乐的你千万不要错过!
时 间:2017年4月12日、13日 19:30
地 点:哈尔滨老会堂音乐厅
票 价:20元/40元/60元/80元
亚历山德拉·希维古特(Aleksandra ?wigut)个人简介
青年钢琴家亚历山德拉·希维古特(Aleksandra ?wigut)出生于毗邻波兰华沙的新世界区,2011年至2013年她师从于肖邦音乐大学的彼得·帕雷奇尼(Piotr Paleczny)教授。在这之前亚历山德拉毕业于波兰卡托维兹卡罗尔·希曼诺夫斯基音乐学院,跟随沃柴克·史维塔瓦(Wojciech ?wita?a)和玛利亚·什瓦伊戈尔-库瓦科夫斯卡(Maria Szwajger-Ku?akowska)学习。与此同时,她还在卡托维兹音乐学院的卡塔日娜·德罗歌什(Katarzyna Drogosz)指导的班级学习古钢琴演奏,并于2014年在华沙肖邦国家音乐学校马乌戈扎塔·撒尔巴克(Ma?gorzata Sarbak)指导的班级完成羽管键琴的学习。亚历山德拉同时也曾在伦敦市政厅音乐学院跟随大卫·多兰(David Dolan)学习。2016年起,她正式成为波兰格但斯克音乐学院的博士生。除此以外,她本人也经常参加著名音乐家的大师班,比如罗伯特·莱文(Robert Levin), 马莱克·莫西(Marek Mo?), 马切伊·戈日波夫斯基(Maciej Grzybowski), 马尔康姆·比尔森(Malcolm Bilson) 和克里斯蒂娜·绍恩谢姆( Christine Schornsheim)。
Pianist Aleksandra ?wigut was born in Nowy S?cz. From 2011 to 2013 she studied with Prof. Piotr Paleczny at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. She graduated from the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice under Prof. Wojciech ?wita?a and Prof. Maria Szwajger-Ku?akowska. During the same time she also studied historical piano performance in the class of Katarzyna Drogosz at the Academy of Music in Katowice, and in 2014 she graduated in harpsichord in the class of Ma?gorzata Sarbak at the Fryderyk Chopin State Music School in Warsaw. he also studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London under David Dolan. Since 2016 she has been a doctoral student at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk. She took part in master classes led by some eminent musicians, including Robert Levin, Marek Mo吕帅希 ?, Maciej Grzybowski, Malcolm Bilson and Christine Schornsheim.
The artist has taken part in international and national piano competitions; the most important prizes she has won include 2nd prize at the International Competition for Young Pianists in Ettlingen and 2nd Prize at the New Orleans International Piano Competition, as well as 2nd prize and a special prize at the International Piano Competition for Young Musicians in Enschede. ?wigut has received a special award for the performance of a piece of a Polish composer and a special award of the Radio Gdańsk at the 4th International Baltic Piano Competition, 2ndaward at the 47th Fryderyk Chopin National Piano Competition and a special award for a solo performance of Robert Schumann’s piece.
亚历山德拉的兴趣不仅仅是20世纪作品的演奏也特别钟爱演奏古典作品,其中包括巴洛克风、古典主义和浪漫主义的曲子,比如奥利维埃·梅西安、贝拉·巴托克、乔治·克拉姆、捷尔吉·利盖蒂、亨利·戈莱茨基和卡尔海因茨·施托克豪森等人作品她都十分喜爱。同时她也是室内乐演奏家,曾同大提琴音乐家马尔钦·兹杜尼克(Marcin Zdunik)一起录制舒曼作品CD,并由波兰弗雷德里克·肖邦研究院于2014年出版。此外她还协同自己的姐姐潮流英语 ,小提琴家阿格涅什卡组成二重奏。阿格涅什卡曾经和罗兹爱乐乐团、波德拉谢歌剧院和爱乐交响团,弗雷德里克·肖邦大学交响乐团、荷兰交响团、利亚帕亚交响团、奥克索室内乐团和贝多芬音乐学院交响团等众多乐团合作。
?wigut’s interests encompass both historical performance and 20th-century and contemporary music. In addition to Baroque, Classicist and Romantic works脏话阿七 , her repertoire includes compositions by O. Messiaen, B. Bartók, G. Crumb, G. Ligeti, A. Sch死亡占卜2 ?nberg, H. M. Górecki, and K. Stockhausen. She is also active as a chamber musician, working with cellist Marcin Zdunik, with whom she recorded a Robert Schumann album released by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute (2014). She also performs in duo with her sister, violinist Agnieszka ?wigut. Aleksandra ?wigut has given concerts with the ?ód? Philharmonic, Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, Netherlands Symphony, Liepāja Symphony, AUKSO Chamber Orchestra, and the Beethoven Academy Orchestra.
Aleksandra ?wigut was a scholarship holder of the National Fund for Children in Warsaw (2003-2010). She received multiple scholarships from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, as well as from the “Sapere Auso” Ma?opolska Scholarship Foundation. In 2010, she received the Franciszek Wybrańczyk Artistic Scholarship; and in 2012, a scholarship from the Jütting Foundation in Germany.
Aleksandra ?wigut is represented by the Ludwig van Beethoven Association.
每周一、三、五、六 13:00-19:30